Derik Badman's Journal

2019-07-11 08:03

A train of thoughts in the shower this morning lead me to a person I knew in college. Half a lifetime away I couldn't remember their last name. It was someone I was close to for awhile, but now when I think of them there are just a few flashes of scenes, barely events at all, not specifically detailed. It's strange how memory works: there are events from much longer ago that I remember more vividly. Why? Maybe some of them I've played over in my head before, more often, strengthening brain pathways, perhaps even adding on details that weren't there to begin with.

I often lament my memory. I've read hundreds of books in my lifetime, but so many of them I barely remember at all. I wanted to be one of those people who could pull quotes from a vast library in their head, but I'm not. Sometimes I can barely come up with a name.

Another hot sunny summer day.