Derik Badman's Journal

2019-08-13 08:09

Yellow jackets are building a nest in the eaves of the dormer window by my office desk. Had two or three get inside yesterday. Called the pest control people and a guy came over to spray yesterday afternoon, but it appears to not have done the job as I can still seem them out there when I look sideways out the window. A couple years ago I got a bunch of bees in the same place, where there were like a dozen that ended up inside. I really freaked out about that, as bees can really make a mess if they start to build a hive, and also you have to get specialized people to remove them. Thankfully those bees must have just been scouting cause I didn't end up getting more of them. These yellow jackets appear to be a different story though. I'll have to call pest control again and have them come back.