Finished up Promethea with mixed feelings. It feels a lot like Moore wanting to not be writing a superhero comic but stuck using the genre so it fit with the other titles he was working on. The whole thing could have worked as a more magical/spiritual fantasy thing without all the superheroes/villains that are all side characters anyway. Despite my issues with the layouts, the art does heavy lifting through stylistic changes (though never too far from a "superhero standard").
I Feel My Pain Interests You by Stephanie LaCava made me thing of a joke I heard long ago about putting the "emPHAsis" on the wrong "sylLAble". The books starts with the protagonist narrator flying to Montana, then spends half the book going back to tell her life story and how she ended up going to Montana, and then gets into this weird relationship, and learn that she has some kind of condition where she doesn't feel pain (that somehow she got into her 20s without noticing?). The relationship at the end is heavily obscured and then the book ends without... really getting anywhere. Yet I did finish it, it kept me interested, which is more than I can say for a lot of other books I started lately.
Why am I still occasionally typing away at these entries? In some sense I just want to have a list of things I've read or watched, but I haven't even managed to keep up with that. As of right now I haven't updated the web version since mid-July and there are less than 20 entries unpublished.