Derik Badman's Journal

2019-07-17 08:25

I like the idea of being more politically active, I am certainly politically informed, but I just don't like dealing with people I don't know. I can't imagine going door-to-door, or asking people to sign petitions, or cold calling someone. I'm not even good at meetings. I went to one friends of the library meeting and then gave up because it all seemed to pointless, and now I have to deal with seeing the president of the friends around time and having him talk to me.

Lianne is going away tomorrow to take a long weekend weaving class in northern New Jersey. She'll be away from Thursday until Tuesday night. There haven't been that many times in the 13 years we've been married that we've been apart (a couple conferences (for both of us), a couple weaving classes (her), not much else), so it's always strange for me. Alone in the house. I try to think of things to do she wouldn't care for, like making food she doesn't like (puttanesca sauce) or watching movies she wouldn't care for (slow boring ones, or science fiction/fantasy). But probably I'll just end up spending a lot of time at ███'s.

Also our game is Saturday. I probably still need to do a little prep work, though usually I end up over prepped.